“Seen therefore, from far away, and from so high, Scicli was what is said La Sicilia”. It was one of the most famous Italian intellectuals of the last century, the writer and director Pier Paolo Pasolini, to make such an important statement, at the end of 1950’s. Scicli is situated in the south eastern part…

The island of Aegina is one of the most popular tourist destinations as it is the closest island to Athens (only 16.5 nautical miles from the port of Piraeus). According to the myth, the island took its name from a nymph, daughter of the river god Asopos, whom Zeus fell in love with and took…

AS YOU APPROACH THE ISLAND OF POROS … … by boat,  the historical clock prevails on the hill’s highest peak smothered by prickly pear and pine trees. From here, the view of the port and the coastal areas across is magnificent. Constructed in 1927, it was clearly visible from all angles and is characterized as the main…

Comiso is situated on the south-western slopes of the Iblei Mts. In a panoramic position dominating the valley of the Ippari river. According to the most reliable sources the town derives from the Roman settlement “yhomisus Kasmenarum”, built round a fountain dedicated to the goddess Diana, where some survivors took refuge after the distruction of…

Modica has ancient origins. The site was inhabited since prehistoric times by the Sicilians, then the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabs, the Swabians, the Angionians and the Aragonese. Modica had its golden age when it became the capital of Contea in 1392. In 1693 the city was destroyed by the very strong earthquake…

Monterosso Almo is an interesting surprise for the visitor for the quality of the climate, the geographical position, the richness of its landscapes, the artistic heritage and natural beauty. The scenography of dry stone walls and medieval alleyways trace the outline of a harmonious mosaic made of nature, history and civilization; This atmosphere fascinates because…

Santa Croce Camerina is a town in south-eastern Sicily where the sun reigns sovereign over an extraordinary variety of landscapes offered by the verdant expanses of the fields, the beaches full of sand and bathed by clear waters and a sea always blue. Numerous and all of considerable interest are the historical, archaeological and architectural…

Pozzallo is the only town in the province of Ragusa bordering the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Geographically, it is located on the southern coast of Sicily, north-east of Malta, which is only 54 miles away. It overlooks a wide bay that, from Raganzino end, reaches the sandy shoreline of  Marza. The etymology of the…

In south-eastern Sicily, only a few kilometers from Noto, the capital of the Baroque style in the island, and nearby the other UNESCO-listed centers in the World Heritage (Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Palazzolo Acreide, Syracuse, Pantalica) there is Ispica. On the top of a hill, 7 km away from the African sea, Ispica saves as it…

Giarratana, is one of the most small inhabited centers of Ragusa, it counts about 3000 inhabitants. Called “Perla degli Iblei”, it extends on a slope at 520 meters above sea level, in an orderly and harmonious way, almost nestled between mountains and plans. Its territory, mainly mountainous and elongated in direction north-west/south-east and very irregular,…