As part of the Green plus project, the initiative “For Labin without plastic” was launched on September 1, 2021, which manifests itself on the local market place as “Markat without plastic”. The market in Labin contains a green market, fish market, flower shop, bakery, butcher, small shops, cafes and fast food, and offers local and fresh products such as vegetables and fruits, bread, cheese, cured meats, seasonal fish, etc. On October 1, 2021, the Labin market was officially declared the first market in Croatia without plastic accomplishing the project’s main goal. Labin City Market is moving to the use of reusable and biologically acceptable solutions such as canvas and jute bags, glass one-liter bottles with labels of local environmental projects “For Labin without plastic “and “Cool water from the Waterworks “, cardboard bags, biodegradable starch bags and greaseproof paper.

The project was launched by city utility company 1. Maj ltd. as coordinator, then the City of Labin, Labin Waterworks and the Local Action Group “Eastern Istria”. On September 25, 2021, an activity was held to promote the plastic-free market and occasionally donate materials created within the initiative. The goal of this activity was to raise awareness and inform customers and citizens about replacing plastic with environmentally friendly alternatives as well as changing consumer habits by informing them about the impact of plastic on their daily lives. In addition, all customers who brought at least five plastic bags could receive a canvas bag as a gift.

The City of Labin continuously organizes various educational and promotional activities for the transformation to take place successfully in the future. Additionally, the training course is specially arranged for local family farms and traders who offer their local products at the market. 

Such examples of sustainable practice are extremely important for the conservation of resources and sustainable development of the destination, as well as education and raising awareness of citizens about the importance of this topic. The use of sustainable packaging and the promotion of locally produced and organic food is in synergy with the criteria promoted by the ConsumelessMed label and the Consume-less model itself. This example can serve as an idea for all other markets that want to become plastic-free markets in the future and promote sustainability as a trend of long-term destination development.

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