“Recovering the slower rhythms of the holidays in times gone by, enjoying the positive impact of nature and its beauty while respecting the environment: this is what I wanted this place to resonate with”. Emilio is an enthusiast by definition. Extremely talkative and lively, he is also very energetic: his positive mood is contagious! In…

“Our territory is full of resources. It is our true heritage and it is free. I hope my fellow citizens realize it.” Nanni Di Falco has been working as a naturalistic guide since twenty years: he knows every corner of the Iblei Mountains, the valleys, the quarries and their surroundings. He started to guide the…

I was a surveyor and Jessica was managing a bar. We quit our jobs in the chilly North to pursue our dream of living in the countryside and develop a self-contained farm. We started from scratch. I had to study everything: I read books on Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic associations and watched Youtube tutorials on how…

People have always assumed that two similar businesses are competitors. When we began working ‘in synergy,’ at first between our two businesses, and then broadening our network to the whole neighbourhood, everybody thought we were crazy. They’re the same people who think I’m an imbecile for not weeding out spontaneous plants from my garden. The…

When the cart moves, it makes music. It’s a combination of the horse’s hooves, the wheels on the cobblestones, and the tinkling of the “cassa di fuso.” Every cart is a masterpiece. It’s the fruition of three types of ancient crafts – and these jobs no longer exist. There are no more iron mongers; there’s…