Realmonte is a small and tourisic town situted on a plain close to the sea. The coast is particularly interesting, it expands across 8 km alternating white creeks and red tuff cliffs to the gold beaches, in some places wild and in other places equipped. Realmonte houses the famous Scala dei Turchi and the Punta…

In south-eastern Sicily, only a few kilometers from Noto, the capital of the Baroque style in the island, and nearby the other UNESCO-listed centers in the World Heritage (Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Palazzolo Acreide, Syracuse, Pantalica) there is Ispica. On the top of a hill, 7 km away from the African sea, Ispica saves as it…

Giarratana, is one of the most small inhabited centers of Ragusa, it counts about 3000 inhabitants. Called “Perla degli Iblei”, it extends on a slope at 520 meters above sea level, in an orderly and harmonious way, almost nestled between mountains and plans. Its territory, mainly mountainous and elongated in direction north-west/south-east and very irregular,…