Realmonte is a small and tourisic town situted on a plain close to the sea. The coast is particularly interesting, it expands across 8 km alternating white creeks and red tuff cliffs to the gold beaches, in some places wild and in other places equipped. Realmonte houses the famous Scala dei Turchi and the Punta Grande seaside where the Villa Romana rises up.Westwards the beach of Majata joins up Lido Rossello, a large place with a wide beach placed between the white marl area of the Scala dei Turchi and the red tuff area of Mount Rossello.

The Pergole seaside, the creek “Do’ Cappiddrazzu” and the two Giallonardo beaches represent the last part of the west coast. One of the most important attraction is “Scala dei Turchi”. It is a rocky reef which makes the coast of Realmonte exclusive in the world thanks to its pure white stone molded in the form of large steps by the sea and the wind. According to the legend, its name comes from its shape recalling the stairway that the Turkish climbed to commit their ransacks during the Saracen raid. It rises up between the beach and the hills that confine the coast made of limestone and clay in a peculiar white colour blinding through the sun, while the underlying water is singularly clear and transparent.

For less than 150 meters from the surface and for 30 meters under sea level, there is a very singular location easily reached by a shuttle along tunnels dug by the miners: the Salt church. In the walls some extraordinary sculptures appear; they are excavated in a high-relief showing holy images. More or less 600.000 tourists visit the city over the year on average. Many cultural events are organised in Realmonte. From June to September the Costabianca event takes place. It is composed by several activities: painting exhibition, concerts, competitions, theatrical performances, dances as well as cultural and literary meetings. The typical dishes of Realmonte are made with vegetables cultivated in the hills and the plains of the South territories which are clay and rich in potassium. These characteristics give the vegetables their renowned sweetness.